Super Junior: The Last Man Standing
Super Junior: The Last Man Standing captures the remarkable journey of Super Junior, tracing their path from trainees to a groundbreaking project group. This documentary offers an intimate look at the formation of Super Junior 05 and their growth over the years. As they near their 20th debut anniversary, the members share their raw emotions and untold stories, providing a rare glimpse into their shared experiences of challenges and triumphs. Through this compelling coming-of-age narrative, viewers gain insight into the K-Pop industry through the eyes of these global icons. Combining elements of Shows with the talent of Updating .........., this film features a star-studded cast including Lee Teuk, Kim Hee Chul, Ye Sung, Shin Dong, Eunhyuk, Lee Dong Hae, Choi Si Won, Kim Ryeo Wook, and Cho Kyu Hyun.